
How to update the firmware of ChainLink's Rx using a STLINK

Here we will show you "how to" step by step:
1: Download the newest firmware from our web. http://www.bevrc.com/download/CL_RX_FS_FIX.hex (right click save as CL_RX_FS_FIX.hex).
2: Use a knife to cut the shrink of the Rx as below, making the flash pins unveiled. The 4 pins definitions are:
RST,GND,SW,VCC, from top to bottom.

3: Install the driver of the STLINK and STVP(ST Visual Programmer)
4: Run the ST Visual Programmer, connect the STLINK to your computer and the powered CL Rx as below.

File/open/CL_RX_FS_FIX.hex, click the "OPTION BYTE" as below, click programm button as below:
When done, click the "PROGRAMM MEMORY", click the programm button again. after 3-5 seconds, there will be info to show you if you have flashed successfully.

